UTTHAN LOK VIGYAN KENDRA CHHOTAUDEPUR was established in 2016 and recognise as District Science Centre by the Department of Science & technology (GUJCOST) under taking Government of Gujarat Recognition No: GUJCOST/CSC/200627/09-10/2018/,16-06-2016
Objective of the institute:
- To aware community about superstition by scientific way
- To conduct the programmes about the environment and its preservation.
- To conduct the awareness about public health and AIDS.
- To organize the programme based on science for popularisation of science & technology.
- To conduct the activities for students to let them take interest in science.
- To identify and encourage scientific activities at various Levels of the society.
- To conduct the workshop, training and science educational programmers
- to develop interest in science in student as well as teachers.
- To publish science based literature.
Geographical location of work:
- In tribal areas like Chhotaudepur, the anti superstition has been conducting programs for two years.
- The training of Entrepreneurship Development .
- Celebration of Sanitation Campaign.
- Employment recruitment fair for tribal youth unemployed.
- Science Promotions – The operation of excellence is done by the Utthan lok Vigyan Kendra chhotaudepur.